
The Emma Dilemma

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Confession: I love Jane Austen books. And... I would have to admit that Emma is probably my fave.
With that in mind, I did a little research of the various film renditions.

Okay. Here is my fave version. Starring Gweneth Paltrow and made in 1996. It's what I was raised with and what I know best. There may be a little partiality here. (But don't let that sway you. As Levar Burton would say on Reading Rainbow, "Don't take my word for it!")

I had to do this in a two video segment due to lack of availability on Youtube. Watch them both!

Primera Parte
Segunda Parte

We have a newer version. Filmed in 2009, with a cast that can be recognized in a variety of films from this genre. (Like... Do you recognize Mr. Knightley from Mansfield Park? Eh?)

This is a bit of a throw back. This was filmed in 1972... and I had no idea that it existed until today.
I was dying while watching this. Dying, I tell you. What do you think about it?

Perhaps I should also mention that there was another version filmed in 1996 that starred Kate Beckinsale. Alas, I was not able to find any video for it... So if you have seen it, I would be interested to hear what you think.

So now that you have all of the contestants before you, which video will you choose as your favorite? Which one is the most funny? Which is the most awkward? Tell me all.

PS- I swear I don't just sit and watch movies all day. I just need some background noise while I work. Judge me if you will. But do know this- I do bath. I do go outdoors. And I do actually have a job. (That was not a made up excuse.)


  1. Dear Angela. I saw this Emma movie on Netflix, and so we watched it. Just because of this blog post. I do not think Lynn was a fan.

  2. Angie.
    I am shocked! Shocked, I tell you!

    Shocked that Clueless is not on this list. :)

    1. WHAT WAS I THINKING?????????
      I totally one of my fave renditions. Totally.

      I carried feathery pens around for half of my elementary school experience to prove it.
